H.-J. Rockosch (1983) has recently obtained a set of vacancy-solute binding energies for seven Cu-based and five Ag-based alloys from an analysis of diffusion data. The author investigates the extent to which these binding energies correlate with (i) the difference between solute and host valences Delta Z, (ii) the slope of the solidus curve, dTm/dCs, and (iii) the lattice constant change da/dCs. D. Lazarus (1954) and A.D. LeClaire (1978) have previously developed a model relating binding energies to Delta Z; in this work, the author presents new models that predict correlations (ii) and (iii). Specifically, the author derives the approximate relations Evs=-(E1v/z)(dTm/dCs) (where E1v is the monovacancy formation energy in the pure solvent and z is the coordination number), and Evs=-(9K Omega /z)(d ln nat(R1)/d ln R1)-1 d ln a/dCs (where K is the bulk modulus, nat is the atomic charge density of host atoms, R1 is the nearest-neighbour separation and Omega is the atomic volume). The correlation between the Rockosch binding energies and either Delta Z or dTm/dCs is only fair; the correlation with da/dCs, however, is quite close.