The authors present the results of numerical calculations, in the mean spherical approximation (MSA), for model liquid binary alloys interacting via Yukawa potentials, namely phi ij(r)=Aijexp(- lambda r)/r. They have chosen parameters which allow the description of the structural properties of liquids Li-Na and Li-Pb at different concentrations and Li4Pb at three temperatures. They show: (i) that once the ordering potential, nu (r)=1/2( phi 11(r)+ phi 22(r)-2 phi 12(r)), is specified the total structure factor S(k), the concentration-concentration partial structure factor Scc(k) and the number-number partial structure factor SNN(k) are insensitive to changes in the pair interactions phi ij(r); and (ii) that the thermodynamic properties-specifically Scc(0) and the correlation energy-are sensitive to changes in phi ij(r).