Local electronic structures near the interstitial atoms C, N and O in FCC Fe were calculated self-consistently, using the DV-X alpha cluster method. From the analysis of the bond order it was found that the covalent bond strength between atoms varied in the order, Fe-C>Fe-N>Fe-O. This was also confirmed in the electron density distribution map where strong p-d sigma -type bonds are predominantly present between Fe and C atoms, whereas no such bonds exist between Fe and O atoms, and instead weak p-d pi -type bonds are observed in the map. Also, charge transfer takes place from an iron atom to an interstitial atom and is more enhanced in Fe-O than in Fe-C. In other words, the trend towards ionic bonding is higher in Fe-O than in Fe-C even in FCC Fe. This tendency of metal-metalloid bonding appears to be maintained even in the compounds Fe3C, Fe4N and FeO. Further, the local electronic structure was found to be modified by the lattice distortion around an interstitial atom.