The author presents new relaxation time measurements in dilute VT alloys (T:Co, Mo, Rh, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir) and concentrated sigma VCo, VCo3, VRh3 and VIr3 alloys. From these experimental results and previous bulk susceptibility and Knight shift measurements made by Devos (1972) the author calculates the various contributions to the bulk susceptibility of these alloys and particularly the Pauli and Van Vleck vanadium susceptibilities. This allows a systematic study of the magnetic behaviour of vanadium alloys with transition metals as a function of the nature and the concentration of the impurity. New NMR results (Knight shifts, line widths and relaxation rates) in concentrated V1-cNic alloys (85%<or=c<or=at 87%) are presented in order to study the magnetic behaviour of vanadium up to the critical concentration for the occurrence of ferromagnetism (ccr approximately 87.5%). The vanadium susceptibility is shown always to decrease with increasing impurity concentration and to have very low values for high impurity concentration, even in nearly ferromagnetic alloys (VCo3 and concentrated VNi alloys).