The g factor of the 5.106 MeV 2- state of 14N has been measured by the recoil distance technique. The perturbation of the nuclear alignment in one-electron ions was observed time-differentially following the 3He(12C,p)14N reaction in a 3He-implanted target. From the observed hyperfine frequency, the nuclear g factor was deduced to be mod g mod =0.66(4). The lifetimes of the 5.106 MeV 2- state ( tau m(2-)=6.2(4)ps) and the 5.832 MeV 3- state ( tau m(3-)=13.7(11)ps) were measured, also by the recoil-distance technique, using the reaction 12C(3He,p)14N. The former result is significantly different from the published value.