Mean lifetimes and decay-scheme measurements have been made for levels in 46Ti up to an excitation energy of about 10 MeV. The states were populated using the 40Ar(9Be,3n)46Ti reaction using a solid argon target at a beam energy of 30 MeV and the 43Ca( alpha ,n)46Ti reaction at beam energies between 12 and 17 MeV. Mean lifetimes have been measured for states in the ground-state band up to Jpi =14+ and for states in a negative-parity band on a Jpi =3- level. New results are Ex(keV), probable Jpi , tau (ps): 6151, 8-, 0.66+or-0.17; 6198, 9+, 4.8+or-1.2; 6830, 9-, 0.75+or-0.12; 7942, 11+, 0.45+or-0.12; 8219, 12+, 0.82+or-0.09; 10 041, 14+, 0.8+or-0.3. The properties of the states in the ground-state band are discussed in terms of the predictions of the (f72/)6 model. The properties of the negative states are compared with those expected for a Kpi =3- rotational band.