The problem of DWBA calculations for stripping to states just unbound or only very weakly bound is discussed with reference to the two procedures originating with Vincent and with Huby (1980), and the close correspondence of these procedures is further elucidated. A modification of Comfort's (1980) extension of DWUCK4 is presented, enabling DWBA calculations for proton transfer to be carried down even to the limit of zero binding energy. Model calculations are performed for the reaction 92Mo(3He,d)93Tc, in which the 93Tc energy is supposed to vary from well bound, through zero binding energy, to very unbound, and it is shown that the DWBA differential cross section for the energy, to very unbound, and it is shown that the DWBA differential cross section for the level varies smoothly throughout this range. An outline is given for the equivalent calculations of neutron transfer.