Samples containing elements of even Z have been examined for possible beta-activity using a photographic emulsion technique. For the elements Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn, Ge and Cd the results show that the effective half-value period for double beta-decay for the elements as a whole is in each case greater than 1017 years if the disintegration energy is 2MeV or more (or greater than 1016 years if the disintegration energy is 0.35 MeV or more). For Ca, Mo, Sr, Sn, Te, Ba, W, Os and Pt lower limits between 2×1014 and 6×1016 years are similarly obtained on the assumption of 2 MeV disintegration energy, the residual uncertainty in most cases being due to the slight contamination of the samples with natural radio-elements. A possible weak beta-activity shown by samples containing Mo requires further examination.