The first set-up of a very simple high resolution β-spectrograph is described. The instrument employs the focusing action of a magnetic prism with circular plane poles of 20 cm diameter. For this area of pole surface the dispersion is large, giving advantage to the width of source that may be used, and the instrument can focus electrons with energies up to 4 MeV It has been used with resolving powers Hρ/Δ(Hρ) up to 1 300 as measured from microphotometer traces on the plates. It appears to be the only instrument that has been operated at these resolutions as a spectrograph
As a β-spectrometer, the resolving power should be 15% higher, but this has not yet been tested. As far as can be seen it has a luminosity roughly comparable with that of the ketron, but unlike that instrument it has considerable flexibility of experimental arrangement promising improved performance.
It has been used to look for the fine structure of the K-conversion line corresponding to the 1414 keV γ-transition in the disintegration RaC.C' reported by Latyshev and others. In agreement with the work of Bashilov and others who employed the ketron, and of Serebriskaya, Shpinel and Forafontov who used a spectrometer of completely novel design, this line was found to be highly monokinetic