The energy spectra of protons emitted into a small solid angle in the forward direction from separated isotopes 19F, 27Al, 54Fe, 56Fe, 59Co, 58Ni, 60Ni, 63Cu, 65Cu and 64Zn bombarded with 14.1 MeV neutrons are measured with a scintillation counter telescope. The spectra obtained are compared with those measured by Storey et al. in 1960, who, using 14.1 MeV neutrons, observed the spectra of protons emitted at 90° into a large solid angle. Peaks due to direct interactions are prominent at the higher proton energies, but little evidence is found for systematic structure similar to that observed in the inelastic scattering of protons of energy 11 to 23 MeV. It is suggested that lower energy peaks found in the present spectra, and in those of other workers, corresponding to excitations of the residual nucleus of 7 MeV are not due to protons, but are in fact deuterons mostly from the ground state n, d pick-up reaction. The `nuclear temperatures' found from the lower energy protons of the present experiment are in good agreement with those measured by Storey et al.