Measurements have been made of total collision cross sections (Brode 1929), of cross sections for 3s-3p excitation (Haft 1933, Christoph 1935) and, at thermal energies, of cross sections for elastic scattering with electron exchange (Dehmelt 1958). In all cases the measured cross sections are very large.
The distinguishing feature of electron-Na collisions is the very strong coupling between the 3s and 3p states. It has been shown previously (Seaton 1955) that the Bethe approximation gives good results for the 3s-3p cross section when allowance is made for effects of strong coupling. The present paper gives results of calculations for energies above the 3p excitation threshold and also for the limit of zero kinetic energy. Further work is being done for energies in the immediate vicinity of the 3p threshold.
For the higher energies the Bethe approximation is used to calculate partial wave integrals and the transmission matrix is then obtained by two different methods, both of which ensure that conservation conditions are satisfied exactly (Percival 1960, Seaton 1961). The only potential considered is V(3s, 3p). For energies not too close to the 3p threshold these calculations give good results for the 3s-3p cross section and fairly good results for the total cross section. This shows that a substantial part of the elastic scattering is due to the process 3s->3p->3s.
At very low energies exchange effects and polarization effects are both large and a much more elaborate theory is required. The coupled integro-differential equations, of Hartree-Fock type, are discussed in detail. It is shown that the coupling between 3s and 3p accounts for 99.4% of the atom polarizability. Solutions of the coupled equations for 3s and 3p are obtained for the case of zero kinetic energy. The calculated zero-energy elastic cross section is 380πa20 and the exchange cross section is 440πa02. These calculated values are consistent with those obtained experimentally.