The reactions 10B(3He, d)11C and 11B(3He, d)12C have been studied, using magnetic analysis, at a bombarding energy of 9.84 MeV. A new level in 11C at 6.345 ± 0.010 MeV excitation was observed. Deuteron angular distributions leading to the ground and first five excited states of 11C were measured, and an attempt has been made to fit these with stripping curves. Absolute proton reduced widths for the 11C levels have been extracted.
Using the 11B(3He, d) reaction, the energy levels of 12C between 9 and 15 MeV have been studied. Natural widths of levels at 10.84, 11.82 and 13.38 MeV were measured to be 320, 300 and 700 kev respectively. Stripping analyses of the deuteron angular distributions yielded l-values of 2, 0, 0 and 1 respectively for the states of 12C at 9.63, 10.84, 11.82 and 12.70 MeV. Absolute proton reduced widths and also α-particle reduced widths, from the measured total widths, have been extracted for some levels of 12C.