Recent measurements of the sea-level spectra of cosmic ray protons and muons have been used, together with a trial spectrum of primary nucleons, to derive values for the nucleon inelasticity Kt and the fraction of energy passed on to the pion component Kπ in nucleon-air-nucleus collisions. It is shown that the values of Kt and Kπ are not very sensitive to the model assumed for the collisions, and the effect of fluctuations in the values of Kt and Kπ from one collision to the next is found to be small.
Assuming a value for the difference Kt-Kπ based on the results of other experiments (approximately 0.12) it is possible to estimate the energy spectrum of primary nucleons in the range 1011-1015 ev/nucleon. When recent geomagnetic measurements are added, the integral spectrum is found to be represented by the expression I(>E) = 0.87+0.52-0.30E-1.58 cm-2 sec-1 sterad-1 over the range 1010-3 × 1013 ev/nucleon, where E is expressed in GeV. At higher energies the exponent increases reaching a value of about 2.1 in the region of 1015 eV.
It Kt-Kπ is less than 0.12 the primary intensity is reduced; in the limit, with Kt-Kπ = 0 the intensity is reduced by a factor of approximately 1.5.