In a previous paper by the author OBK cross sections were defined and calculated for H + + A(2S+1L) → H(1s, 2s) + A +(2Ś+1Ĺ) using the atomic orbitals calculated by Tubis. In the present paper the atomic orbitals of Roothaan and Kelly are used in a more extensive calculation of these OBK cross sections for impact energies from 15 keV to 10 MeV. The cross sections are evaluated for the following cases: A = O(3P; 2p4): A + = O +(4S, 2D, 2P; 2p3), A + = O +(4P, 2P; 2s2p4) A = N(4S; 2p3): A + = N +(3P; 2p2), A + = N +(5S, 3S; 2s2p3). In the important cases of p-orbital capture, the new cross sections are less than the former values from 100 keV to 900 keV, and larger elsewhere. The old values do not exceed the new values by more than 30%. A comparison of the cross sections for 2p- and 2s-orbital capture shows that 2s capture is dominant for impact energies in excess of several MeV, and that 2s capture is not negligible at all lower impact energies. The definition of the OBK cross section is extended to include electron capture between single charged, many-electron ions and atoms. The Born prior and post cross sections are evaluated using Tubis orbitals for capture into H(1s) for A = O(3P; 2p4), A + = O +(4S; 2p3). Although the energy dependence is not radically different from the Born estimates obtained using the ratios R(H; He) and the author's OBK cross sections, the magnitudes exceed the OBK values for impact energies less than 1 MeV. These Born cross sections are asymptotically equal to 0.592 QBK(4S) at high impact energies.