Electron impact ionization of N2 below 70 eV has been studied under conditions favourable to the trapping of ions in the electron beam. The ionization of N2 is observed to produce N2+, N2+(*), N22+, N+ + N(4So), N+ + N(2Po), (N+ + N?), N2+ + N and (N2+ + N?), where product pairs in parentheses have excess energy distributed in an undetermined manner Electron collisions with N2+ give N+, N22+ and N2+ + N, and collisions with N22+ give N2+ + N.
The problem of determining appearance potentials under these conditions is discussed, and a new method is presented and applied to the above processes. Comparisons with known or expected appearance potentials show that the error in determining thresholds is 0 37 ± 0 23 eV.