Interband and free-carrier Faraday rotation has been measured in a series of n-type InAs samples between 3 5 and 20 μm at 77 °K and 300 °K.
The carrier density ranged from 3 × 1016 to 1 1 × 1018 cm-3 and the free-carrier results have been analysed by k.p theory using the Boltzmann method previously developed for InSb by Smith, Pidgeon and Prosser. The (E, k) shape for the conduction band has thus been obtained for energies up to 0 15 ev above the band minimum. The results give a mass at the band minima of 0 024m0 at 77 °K and 0.022m0 at 300 °K.
The interband rotation from the purest sample has been compared with the theories of Boswarva and Lidiard, and Roth, the latter giving the better frequency fit. In the more highly doped samples a significant change in the shape of the interband rotations was observed. At a doping of 9 × 1017 cm-3 some thirty Landau levels are affected by the electron filling near k = 0, blocking transitions into these states.
The balance between positive and negative rotations is thereby disturbed. In particular, the negative rotation arising from the highest light-hole state is reduced and so the results are consistent with the competition between light- and heavy-hole states, a feature of the Boswarva and Lidiard theory The large free-carrier rotation prevented any definite conclusion on the presence of a low-frequency contribution to the interband rotation as suggested by Mitchell, Palik and Wallis.