In the present work the status of the open systen studies at the Novosibirsk Institute of
Nuclear Physics (INP) is described.
For the heating of dense plasnas in open systens of the multi-mirror type the possibility is
being studied to use high-current relativistic electron beans (REBS). At ne 3 - 1015 cm-3,
jb ~ 2.5 kA/cm2, the experiments indicate that for fields up to B = 5 T the interaction efficiency sbstantially increases with increasing field strength. With the above aim in view, the
work being performed at the Institute concerns the construction of high power generators of
microsecond REBS. At the generator U-1 a beam with 130 kJ energy content was produced. The construction of the generator U-2 is finished. In this generator, a foilless diode with a band geometry beam has been employed. In a similar geometry, the beams from several generators can be
injected sequentially into the same magnetic track.
The results, obtained on a gas-dynamical trap (GDT) with large mirror ratio (R > 80) for the
case when the ion mean free path λii satisfied the inequality: L > λii(lnR/R) (L is the
longitudinal size of the system), have shown that the plasma dynamics in the trap is consistent
with gas-dynamical estimations. At the stage of GDT filling, the plasma in it proves to be
stable. At a favourable curvature of the magnetic field lines in expanders the plasma turns out
to be MHD stable with the plasma source switched off as well. In the latter case the plasma
decay time is in reasonable agreement with the gas-dynanical estimation: τ ~ LR/vTi.
The project of an ambipolar trap (tanden mirror) with axisymmetrical magnetic field has been
developed. For MHD stabilization on the outside of the end plugs, two semi cusps with hot ion
plasma (T = 15 keV) are planned to be mounted. High mode number MHD modes are assumed to be
stabilized by the finite Larmor radius (FLR) effect, while the mode m = 1 will be stabilized by
a favourable curvature of the magnetic field. The basic parameters of the central mirror trap
are: L = 14 m, B = 0.45 T, ne = 1013 cm-3. The end plugs have the following paraneters:
Lp = 1.8 m, R = 4, Bmax = 6 T, ne = 3 × 1013 cm-3.