Invited papers from the Second Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices
The Second Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices was held at the Koninklijk Hoger Instituut voor Defensie - Institut Royal Supérieur de Défense in Brussels, Belgium, from 20 to 23 January 1998. The conference was organized in honour of Professor P E Vandenplas at the occasion of his becoming Emeritus and his retirement as head of the Laboratory for Plasma Physics of the Royal Military Academy. It started with an academic session honouring Professor Vandenplas at the Brussels Palace of the Academies. The conference was attended by 112 participants from 19 countries. There were 72 contributed papers, 15 invited papers and a special lecture by Professor Vandenplas. Fifteen of the contributed papers were presented orally, the remaining ones as posters.
The contributed papers to the conference were published as volume 22A of the Europhysics Conference Abstract Series. The invited papers are published as this special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, which will be distributed to participants at the meeting and to the regular journal subscribers. Copies of the issue are also available directly from the publisher.
The papers were selected by the Conference Programme Committee, which comprised the following members:
J Jacquinot (Chairman) JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, UK
F De Marco ENEA, Frascati, Italy
D Moreau CEA, Cadarache, France
J-M Noterdaeme IPP, Garching, Germany
R Prater GA, San Diego, USA
F C Schueller FOM, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
G Van Oost LPP/ERM-KMS, Brussels, Belgium
T Watari NIFS, Nagoya, Japan
G H Wolf FZJ, Juelich, Germany
The contributed papers were chosen to present an overview of the advances in the heating and in the generation of non-inductive currents in fusion plasmas by means of radio frequency methods (low frequency, IC, EC and LH&UH). Theory, experiments and technology received comparable emphasis. Special attention was further given to ICRH in D-T plasmas and to RF schemes for plasma profile control.
The invited papers contained in this issue include reviews of wider areas of work as well as specialized in-depth presentations of particular experiments and theories. It is hoped that this collection of papers will form a valuable reference collection, which will be of particular interest to subscribers to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.
J Jacquinot, G Van Oost and R R Weynants Guest editors