2-6 August 1999 14th International Symposium on Plasma ChemistryPrague, Czech Republic Contact: V Sember. E-mail: sember@ipp.cas.cz, Website: http://www.ipp.cas.cz/NTP/ispc-14/index.html
26-28 August 1999 International Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics http://ovpserv4.rug.ac.be/AppliedPhysics/Workshop/Belgium
6-10 September 1999 International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics: New Frontiers of Nonlinear SciencesFaro, Portugal Contact: Mr R Guerra, Department of Physics, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal. E-mail: rguerra@mozart.si.ualg.pt. Registration deadline: 30 November 1998, abstract deadline: 15 February 1999.
12-17 September 1999 First International Conference On Inertial Fusion Sciences And ApplicationsUniversity Bordeaux 1, France Contact: William J Hogan, e-mail: IFSA99@llnl.gov
27-29 October 1999 8th European Fusion Theory ConferenceVilla Olmo, Como Contact: M Lontano (Chairman), Tel : ++39 02 66173 260; D Farina, Tel : ++39 02 66173 232, C Allocchio (Administrative Secretary), e-mail: fusion99@ifp.mi.cnr.it, fax: ++39 02 66173 239
15-19 November 1999 41th APS Division of Plasma Physics Annual MeetingSeattle, Washington e-mail: meetings@aps.org, URL: http://www.aps.org/meet/index.html