Handbook of Advanced Plasma Processing
Techniques has been written as a single introductory text for
plasma processing engineers and researchers. Plasma processing
is a rapidly mutating field, so up-to-date material is most
welcome. The broad range of topics makes the book useful for
companies trying to improve their products, in research
laboratories where new techniques are sought, in technological
universities, and every time researchers and developers wish to
broaden their knowledge of plasmas to lateral areas.
After an introduction on the state of the art of plasma material
processing, the basic fundamentals of plasma physics are
presented in a direct, somewhat simplified, way. This may be useful for beginners, but
the expert reader may prefer something more challenging at this
point. The chapter on modelling is divided into plasma modelling
and reactor design. This second area is further dealt with in a
separate chapter. The overview of plasma diagnostic techniques,
together with the references quoted therein, gives comprehensive
coverage of several diagnostics. Mass spectroscopy is dealt with
In the latter two-thirds, the book is focused much more on
processes. Dry etching, micromachining, PCVD, ion beam etching
and other processes are discussed with respect to many different
materials such as silicon, IIIV materials and magnetic
materials. Particular attention is given to damage and charging.
The authors are expert and up to date. It is impossible to cover
in a single volume all aspects of plasma processing, but it is
reasonable to say that this book, together with all the material
referenced within, aspires to this goal. Somewhat more American
references, rather than European or Russian, are quoted; this is
acceptable for the technological section, but rather incomplete
for the sections on fundamental plasma physics and diagnostics.
With contributions by several authors, some repetition is
unavoidable; this may even help to ensure all chapters are
self-consistent. In fact, like any handbook, it is designed more
to be consulted than to be read in full. Readers will appreciate
the effort of the authors of individual chapters in treating their own work topics and
those of the other authors in similar depth.
Given the large amount of information provided, the book is
reasonably good value for money.
Dr B M Annaratone
Max-Planck Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik
D-85740 Garching