This book is a collection of papers, written by specialists in the field, on
advanced topics of nuclear fusion diagnostics. The 78 contributions were
originally presented at the International Conference on Advanced
Diagnostics for Magnetic and Inertial Fusion held at Villa Monastero, Italy
in September 2001. Both magnetically confined and inertial fusion
programmes are quite extensively covered, with more emphasis given to the
former scheme. In the case of magnetic confinement, since the present
international programme is strongly focused on next-step devices,
particular attention is devoted to techniques and technologies viable in an
environment with strong neutron fluxes. Indeed, in the first section, the
various methods are considered in the perspective of performing the
measurements of the relevant parameters in conditions approaching a burning
plasma, mainly in the Tokamak configuration. The most demanding
requirements, like the implications of the use of tritium and radiation
resistance, are reviewed and the most challenging open issues, which
require further research and development, are also clearly mentioned.
The following three sections are devoted to some of the most recent
developments in plasma diagnostics, which are grouped according to the
following classification: `Neutron and particle diagnostics', `Optical and
x-ray diagnostics' and `Interferometry, Polarimetry and Thomson
Scattering'. In these chapters, several of the most recent results are
given, covering measurements taken on the most advanced experiments around
the world. Here the developments described deal more with the requirements
imposed by the physical issues to be studied. They are therefore more
focused on the approaches adopted to increase the spatial and time
resolution of the diagnostics, on some methods to improve the
characterisation of the turbulence and on fast particles. Good coverage is
given to neutron diagnostics, which are assuming increasing relevance as
the plasma parameters approach ignition. Spectroscopic systems and their
recent developments are well represented, whereas edge diagnostics are
somewhat thin on the ground. A dedicated section is devoted to the latest
tests on radiation effects and technological issues. The problems of damage
to optical components and the difficulties presented by the determination
of the tritium inventory are described.
In the last part, the new diagnostic systems of the most recent experiments
(under construction or recently operated) are reported. Various aspects of
some diagnostics not included in the three previous sections are also
covered, with particular emphasis on microwaves and infrared diagnostics.
The book is well suited for specialists and, more generally, for people
involved in nuclear fusion, who need information about the most recent
developments in the field of plasma diagnostics. The papers cover many
aspects of the challenges and possible solutions for performing
measurements in fusion machines approaching reactor conditions. On the
other hand, the contributions are in general quite advanced
and would be
challenging for people without a significant background in plasma
diagnostics and nuclear fusion. The quality of the paper is more than
satisfactory both from the point of view of clarity and of graphics.
Moreover, at the beginning of the book, several papers make a considerable
effort to put diagnostic issues in the wider context of present day nuclear
fusion research. For those topics, which are too involved to be completely
described in a conference contribution, in general adequate references are
provided for deeper investigation.
A Murari
Approximately one third of the papers included in this volume deal with diagnostics related to
inertial confinement fusion plasmas (i.e., laser-produced plasmas and
pulsed-power). These papers discuss recent developments in charged
particle diagnostics, neutron diagnostics, optical and x-ray measurements
along with laser and particle probing diagnostics. The resulting
collection of papers is comprehensive and wide-ranging and all of the major
laboratories in Europe, the US, and Japan are represented. There is
important discussion on the development of diagnostics for the National
Ignition Facility, LMJ, and future ultra-high intensity laser experiments
as well as papers on wire array z-pinch experiments. It is especially
useful to have the contributions from inertial confinement fusion
experiments intermingled with those from magnetic confinement fusion. The
separation between these two approaches to fusion is often unfortunately
large, so one of the pleasing things about this book is that it is very
easy for readers familiar with experimental research in one area to compare
`state of the art' plasma diagnostics in the other area. Hopefully this
will facilitate the development of new ideas in both areas. This book is a
conference proceedings and as such, almost all of the papers included are
quite brief and are highly technical. Consequently, the book is not
particularly pedagogical and would be most useful to researchers already
working in this area of physics. For these readers, however, Advanced
Diagnostics for Magnetic and Inertial Confinement Fusion is an excellent
overview of the present status of fusion plasma diagnostics.
K Krushelnick