This special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion comprises refereed papers contributed by invited speakers at the 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. The conference was jointly hosted by the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, by the EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association and by Imperial College London, where it took place from 28 June to 2 July 2004. The overall agenda for this conference was set by the Board of the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society, chaired by Friedrich Wagner (MPIPP, Garching) and his successor Jo Lister (CRPP, Lausanne). It built on developments in recent years, by further increasing the scientific diversity of the conference programme, whilst maintaining its depth and quality. A correspondingly diverse Programme Committee was set up, whose members are listed below.
The final task of the Programme Committee has been the preparation of this special issue. In carrying out this work, as in preparing the scientific programme of the conference, the Programme Committee formed specialist subcommittees representing the different fields of plasma science. The chairmen of these subcommittees, in particular, accepted a very heavy workload on behalf of their respective research communities. It is a great pleasure to take this opportunity to thank: Emilia R Solano (CIEMAT, Madrid), magnetic confinement fusion; Jürgen Meyer-ter-Vehn (MPQ, Garching), laser-plasma interaction and beam plasma physics; and Jean-Luc Dorier (CRPP, Lausanne), dusty plasmas. The relatively few papers in astrophysical and basic plasma physics were co-ordinated by a small subcommittee which I led. Together with Peter Norreys (RAL, Chilton), we five constitute the editorial team for this special issue. The extensive refereeing load, compressed into a short time interval, was borne by the Programme Committee members and by many other experts, to whom this special issue owes much. We are also grateful to the Local Organizing Committee chaired by Henry Hutchinson (RAL, Chilton), and to the Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion journal team (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol), for their work on this conference.
At the 2004 European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, plenary invited speakers whose talks spanned the entire field were followed, each day, by multiple parallel sessions which also included invited talks. Invited speakers in both these categories were asked to contribute papers to this special issue (the contributed papers at this conference, and at all recent conferences in this series, are archived at The Programme Committee is very grateful to the many invited speakers who have responded positively to this request. Invited papers appear here in their order of presentation during the week beginning 28 June 2004; this ordering provides an echo of the character of the conference, as it was experienced by those who took part.
Programme Committee 2004
Professor Richard Dendy UKAEA Culham Division, UK
Chairman and guest editor
Dr Jean-Luc Dorier Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Lausanne, Switzerland
(Co-ordinator of dusty plasmas and guest editor)
Professor Jürgen Meyer-ter-Vehn Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
(Co-ordinator of laser-plasma interaction and beam plasma physics and guest editor)
Dr Peter Norreys Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK
(Scientific Secretary and guest editor)
Dr Emilia R Solano CIEMAT Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, Madrid, Spain
( Co-ordinator of magnetic confinement fusion and guest editor)
Dr Shalom Eliezer Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, Israel
Dr Wim Goedheer FOM-Instituut voor Plasmafysica, Rijnhuizen, Netherlands
Professor Henry Hutchinson Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK
Professor John Kirk Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
Dr Raymond Koch École Royale Militaire/Koninklijke Militaire School, Brussels, Belgium
Professor Gerrit Kroesen Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Dr Martin Lampe Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA
Dr Jo Lister Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr Paola Mantica Istituto di Fisica del Plasma, Milan, Italy
Professor Tito Mendonça Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Dr Patrick Mora École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Professor Lennart Stenflo Umeå Universitet, Sweden
Professor Paul Thomas CEA Cadarache, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
Professor Friedrich Wagner Max-Planck-Institut f̈r Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany
Professor Hannspeter Winter Technische Universität Wien, Austria