This special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
contains invited and contributed papers presented at the 9th IAEA
Technical Meeting on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers. This meeting
was held at the Catamaran Hotel in San Diego, California, on 24-26 September,
2003, and it was organized by General Atomics. As has been the
tradition at the last four meetings of this series, the programme was
sub-divided into six topics. For each topic there was an invited talk whose
purpose was to give an overview of the topic, based on contributed papers
presented at the meeting and on external results. These talks were followed
by discussion periods, which were used for extended question and answer
sessions for the invited speakers or for additional short presentations by
contributing speakers. For each topic there was an associated poster
session for contributed papers, of which there were about 70. The topics
Structure and dynamics of internal transport barriers
Structure and dynamics of the H-mode pedestal
Understanding transport barriers through modelling
Control of transport barriers
Transport within transport barriers: theorist's view of the future
Diagnostic and analysis issues for transport barriers
The topics were focused on the
physics of edge and core transport barriers. Similar to the previous
meeting, held in Toki, Japan, the universality of this physics in
axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric machines was featured. In addition, the
physics of transport barriers in relation to burning plasma experiments was
emphasized. In particular, one of the hopes and goals of the participants
is that the physics of transport barriers can be used to enhance the
prospects for burning plasmas. Because this meeting occurred approximately
21 years after the discovery of the H-mode in 1982, a special session was
held to commemorate more than 20 years of research on transport barriers.
In this session, Dr R Stambaugh and Professor K Itoh presented personal
views on the implications of the discovery and memories of the early days
of H-mode research. In addition, Dr F Wagner, the leader of the team that
published the seminal paper announcing the discovery of the H-mode,
prepared remarks that were presented by Dr Stambaugh. The discovery of the
H-mode provided great hope that a fusion reactor could be developed and
opened the door to the field of transport barriers, a field that was beyond
the dreams of most researchers in 1982. The selection of topics and invited
speakers and general organization of the scientific programme were carried
out by the International Programme Committee, consisting of:
S Lebedev (Ioffe, Russia)
K Ida (NIFS, Japan)
T Takizuka (JAERI, Japan)
G Saibene (EFDA, Germany)
W Suttrop (IPP, Germany)
M Greenwald (MIT, USA)
E Synakowski (PPPL, USA)
R Groebner (GA, USA)
I am very grateful to the committee members for their work and advice on the
preparation of the meeting. In addition, I express deep thanks to Dr Punit
Gohil, the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, and to Lupe Cerda, the
Conference Coordinator, who very ably took care of numerous details related
to the organization of the meeting.