From January 2007, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF) is introducing a new category of paper: Brief Communications. Limited to four published pages, Brief Communications will enable the publication of significant new results for which a full-length article may not be necessary or appropriate. They should be of interest to the journal's specialist readership and meet the usual high scientific standard for Papers in the journal, but do not have to be of general interest. Standard review procedures, involving the use of two referees, will apply. Brief Communications will be free to read online.
In a parallel development, the Letters category is being phased out. While some of us retain an attachment to this category (including myself, for example, partly because my first paper in this journal was a Letter published in 1984), its continued existence is becoming problematic. Importantly, the average time to publication of Letters in PPCF is no longer significantly faster than that of standard Papers. Technological advances have played a role in this. Additionally, some of the special criteria for publication as a Letter are sufficiently subjective that challenges on these credentials, as distinct from scientific content, sometimes create undue delay.
I hope that the new category will meet a clear need and enhance the standing of the journal. The Editorial Board will review the working of the system as it develops, and we welcome comments and suggestions.