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Volume 23

Number 1, January 2010

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Invited article


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Despite major scientific, medical and technological advances over the last few decades, a cure for cancer remains elusive. The disease initiation is complex, and including initiation and avascular growth, onset of hypoxia and acidosis due to accumulation of cells beyond normal physiological conditions, inducement of angiogenesis from the surrounding vasculature, tumour vascularization and further growth, and invasion of surrounding tissue and metastasis. Although the focus historically has been to study these events through experimental and clinical observations, mathematical modelling and simulation that enable analysis at multiple time and spatial scales have also complemented these efforts. Here, we provide an overview of this multiscale modelling focusing on the growth phase of tumours and bypassing the initial stage of tumourigenesis. While we briefly review discrete modelling, our focus is on the continuum approach. We limit the scope further by considering models of tumour progression that do not distinguish tumour cells by their age. We also do not consider immune system interactions nor do we describe models of therapy. We do discuss hybrid-modelling frameworks, where the tumour tissue is modelled using both discrete (cell-scale) and continuum (tumour-scale) elements, thus connecting the micrometre to the centimetre tumour scale. We review recent examples that incorporate experimental data into model parameters. We show that recent mathematical modelling predicts that transport limitations of cell nutrients, oxygen and growth factors may result in cell death that leads to morphological instability, providing a mechanism for invasion via tumour fingering and fragmentation. These conditions induce selection pressure for cell survivability, and may lead to additional genetic mutations. Mathematical modelling further shows that parameters that control the tumour mass shape also control its ability to invade. Thus, tumour morphology may serve as a predictor of invasiveness and treatment prognosis.




We study the existence of solutions homoclinic to a saddle centre in a family of singularly perturbed fourth order differential equations, originating from a water-wave model. Due to a reversibility symmetry, the occurrence of such embedded solitons is a codimension-1 phenomenon. By varying a parameter a countable family of solitary waves is found. We examine the asymptotic frequency at which this phenomenon of persistence in the singular limit occurs, by performing a refined Stokes line analysis. In the limit where the parameter tends to infinity, each Stokes line splits into a pair, and the contributions of these two Stokes lines cancel each other for a countable set of parameter values. More generally, we derive the full leading order asymptotics for the Stokes constant, which governs the (exponentially small) amplitude of the (minimal) oscillations in the tails of nearly homoclinic solutions. True homoclinic trajectories are characterized by the Stokes constant vanishing. This formal asymptotic analysis is supplemented with numerical calculations.



We present an extension of the theory known as Lin's method to heteroclinic chains that connect hyperbolic equilibria and hyperbolic periodic orbits. Based on the construction of a so-called Lin orbit, that is a sequence of continuous partial orbits that only have jumps in a certain prescribed linear subspace, estimates for these jumps are derived. We use the jump estimates to discuss bifurcation equations for homoclinic orbits near heteroclinic cycles between an equilibrium and a periodic orbit (EtoP cycles).


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We study the dynamics of assemblies of interacting neurons. For large fully connected networks, the dynamics of the system can be described by a partial differential equation reminiscent of age-structure models used in mathematical ecology, where the 'age' of a neuron represents the time elapsed since its last discharge. The nonlinearity arises from the connectivity J of the network.

We prove some mathematical properties of the model that are directly related to qualitative properties. On the one hand, we prove that it is well-posed and that it admits stationary states which, depending upon the connectivity, can be unique or not. On the other hand, we study the long time behaviour of solutions; both for small and large J, we prove the relaxation to the steady state describing asynchronous firing of the neurons. In the middle range, numerical experiments show that periodic solutions appear expressing re-synchronization of the network and asynchronous firing.



We consider boundary value problems for the elliptic sine-Gordon equation posed in the half plane y > 0. This problem was considered in Gutshabash and Lipovskii (1994 J. Math. Sci.68 197–201) using the classical inverse scattering transform approach. Given the limitations of this approach, the results obtained rely on a nonlinear constraint on the spectral data derived heuristically by analogy with the linearized case.

We revisit the analysis of such problems using a recent generalization of the inverse scattering transform known as the Fokas method, and show that the nonlinear constraint of Gutshabash and Lipovskii (1994 J. Math. Sci.68 197–201) is a consequence of the so-called global relation. We also show that this relation implies a stronger constraint on the spectral data, and in particular that no choice of boundary conditions can be associated with a decaying (possibly mod 2π) solution analogous to the pure soliton solutions of the usual, time-dependent sine-Gordon equation.

We also briefly indicate how, in contrast to the evolutionary case, the elliptic sine-Gordon equation posed in the half plane does not admit linearisable boundary conditions.



We study the existence and stability of ground state solutions or solitons to a nonlinear stationary equation on hyperbolic space. The method of concentration compactness applies and shows that the results correlate strongly to those of Euclidean space.


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We study the initial-value problem for a general class of nonlinear nonlocal wave equations arising in one-dimensional nonlocal elasticity. The model involves a convolution integral operator with a general kernel function whose Fourier transform is nonnegative. We show that some well-known examples of nonlinear wave equations, such as Boussinesq-type equations, follow from the present model for suitable choices of the kernel function. We establish global existence of solutions of the model assuming enough smoothness on the initial data together with some positivity conditions on the nonlinear term. Furthermore, conditions for finite time blow-up are provided.



In contrast to the time-dependent case, the time-t-section of Mañé set of autonomous Lagrangian systems is independent of time, thus, it is nowhere disconnected. This causes some difference in the study of dynamics, for instance, Mather's c-equivalence cannot exist among different cohomology classes if they are not in a flat of the α-function (cf (Bernard 2002 Ann. Inst. Fourier52 1533–68.)). In this paper, we show how to construct connecting orbits in autonomous systems, and propose a modified notion of c-equivalence. We also apply the result to construct diffusion orbits in an energy surface.



In this paper we construct and approximate breathers in the DNLS model starting from the continuous limit: such periodic solutions are obtained as perturbations of the ground state of the NLS model in , with n = 1, 2. In both the dimensions we recover the Sievers–Takeno and the Page (P) modes; furthermore, in also the two hybrid (H) modes are constructed. The proof is based on the interpolation of the lattice using the finite element method (FEM).


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Let X be a compact metric space and T : XX be continuous. Let h*(T) be the supremum of sequence entropies of T over all subsequences of and S(X) be the set of h*(T) for all continuous maps T on X. It is known that S(X) ⊏ {, 0, log 2, log 3, ...}. In this paper it is proved that if X is a finite tree or the unit circle S1 then S(X) = {, 0, log 2}. Moreover, it is shown that if X = [0, 1] and T has zero topological entropy then the set of sequence entropy pairs is countable and any sequence entropy pair is asymptotic.

All the possible sets of S(X) for zero-dimensional spaces X are determined. Moreover, it is shown that for each there is a continuum Xn with dimension n such that S(Xn) = {, 0, log 2, log 3, ...}.


We study the dynamics of multi-vortex configurations to the Ginzburg–Landau dissipative/gradient flow equations with external potential in . We show that for initial data close to the widely spaced multi-vortex configurations, the effective dynamics of the vortex centres are governed by the inter-vortex forces and by external potential forces for weak and strong external potentials, respectively.