We wish to acknowledge all the participants of the International Symposium on Processing and Critical Current of High-Temperature Superconductors that took place in Wagga Wagga, Australia, from 2 to 4 February 1998. The Organizing Committee was honoured by enthusiastic response and support from all of the participants. 127 papers from 26 countries, including 57 plenary and invited talks, were presented. Wagga Wagga was chosen as the Symposium site in order to provide an opportunity for a fruitful interaction between the international HTS community and researchers attending the adjoining Australian Condensed Matter Physics Conference (ANZIP). The HTS Symposium and the 21st ANZIP shared two sessions on the last day of the Symposium.
Through intensive research and development during the last decade, the HTS community has made significant advances in both the fundamental science and commercial exploitation of HTSs and it was very encouraging to see excellent research results leading to the establishment of a worldwide HTS industry. Widespread technical and commercial success for HTS is hindered by the current levels of electromagnetic performance; in particular, the critical current density at liquid nitrogen temperatures is still too low for successful application in many types of devices. Furthermore, it is commonly believed that understanding and improving material processing is the key to further improvement of the critical current density in HTSs. Therefore, processing and critical current in HTS materials was chosen as the central theme of this Symposium.
The Symposium included three plenary sessions, six oral sessions and five poster sessions, covering the topics of `Transport and magnetic properties', `Flux pinning and dynamics', `Synthesis and novel processing', `Fabrication of wires, tapes, magnets and bulk materials', `Relationship between structure, microstructure and properties' and `Single crystals and losses'. In order to stimulate the discussion, participants were encouraged to present the posters at the beginning of the Symposium and leave them on until early morning of the last day. The proceedings were reviewed to be published in this special issue of Superconductor Science and Technology.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mrs B Allen for her outstanding work in organizing the Symposium. We would like to thank the Organizing Committee: Dr M Apperley (MM Ltd), Dr B Buckley (IRL), Dr M P Das (ANU), A/Prof T Finlayson (Monash), A/Prof H K Liu (UoW), Prof I D R MacKinnon (UoQ), Prof G Russell (UNSW), Dr N Savvides (CSIRO) and Dr L Vance (ANSTO) for their well-coordinated work. We would like to acknowledge the financial support and assistance from the Australian Research Council, the University of Wollongong, Metal Manufactures Ltd, Drs L Vance and S Kennedy of the Organizing Committee of the 21st ANZIP Condensed Matter Physics Conference and Charles Sturt University. Finally we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the plenary and invited speakers, session chairs and all the attendees for their participation and contribution to this Symposium. We hope they all enjoyed the Symposium and their visit to Australia.
S X Dou and P N Mikheenko Proceedings Editors