Static exchange (plus correlation-polarisation potential) calculations are performed for elastic low-energy electron scattering from Be, Mg and Ca atoms with attention to the low lying 2P and 2D shape resonances. The correlation potentials are calculated with and without a scaling factor. The scaling factor is adjustable as the alpha parameter in the X alpha theory, and is adjusted to produce the 2P resonance energy of e-Mg scattering in agreement with the experiment. The predictions with the parameter-free correlation-polarisation potential are a 2P resonance at 0.15 eV with width of 0.19 eV for Be, a 2P resonance at 0.065 eV with width of 0.05 eV for Mg and a 2D resonance at 1.5 eV for Ca with width of 3.0 eV. The 2P resonances of Be and Mg and the 2D resonance of Ca are produced at 0.24 eV, 0.14 eV and 1.75 eV with widths of 0.33 eV, 0.17 eV and 3.2 eV respectively, by using the scaled correlation potential. No 2P resonances are produced in the calculations for e-Ca scattering using either the parameter-free or scaled correlation potential, i.e. the authors give evidence for the existence of a stable negative ion of Ca in the 4s24p 2P state by using the theory used for electron scattering.