The close-coupling approximation using five basis sets: (a) H(1s)+Ps(1s), (b) H(1s,2s)+Ps(1s), (c) H(1s,2s)+Ps(1s,2s), (d) H(1s,2s,2p)+Ps(1s,2s) and (e) H(1s,2s,2p)+Ps(1s,2s,2p) has been employed to investigate positron-hydrogen scattering below the first excitation threshold. The present basis sets (d) and (e) have confirmed the existence of two consecutive resonances just above the Ps-formation threshold, as obtained by Basu et al. (1989) using four-state (H(1s,2s,2p)+Ps(1s)) CCA, in the elastic channel.