Wavefunctions obtained with the relativistic CI method are used to determine in a fully ab initio manner, the electronic part of a two-photon non-resonant transition between the Is22s22p23P0 and ls22p43P2 even levels of O III. The levels ls22s2p3 (3Dl, 3Pl, 3Sl, 1Pl), ls22s22p3s (3PllPl), and ls22s22p3d (3Dl, 3Pl, 1Pl) J=1 have been used in the truncated summation method. The photon field is expanded in terms of multipoles and matrix elements in the Coulomb gauge depend negligibly on the omega values of the beams involved in the transition. Results reported may be used in the calculation of two-photon absorption cross sections thus demonstrating the relevance of the relativistic CI method in laser-assisted spectroscopic studies of atoms and ions.