New high resolution observations of the 2p inner-shell and of the doubly excited states of sodium covering the spectral region 320-400 AA are reported. The spectra were recorded in the first order of a three-metre spectrograph equipped with a 5000 line/mm holographic grating, using synchrotron radiation emitted by the 500 MeV electron accelerator as the background source of radiation. More than 200 new levels of Na I are reported, which are interpreted as inner-shell transitions, 2p53s3P2,1,0,1P1)ns, nd and the doubly excited 2p53pnl, 2p53dnl and 2p54snl transitions. All the observed levels lie well above the first ionization threshold and are arranged into Rydberg series converging onto fifteen conspicuous limits. The inter-channel interactions between the overlapping series have been parameterized using multichannel quantum defect theory.