A comparative study of the dependence on T of the resistivity in non-magnetic Ni30Pt70 and paramagnetic Co30Pt70 alloys in their ordered (L12-type structure) and disordered (A1) phase is presented. In order to make measurements of as far as possible real thermodynamic equilibrium states, the heating rates were chosen taking into account previous (Co30Pt70) or present (Ni30Pt70) order kinetics data. The authors find that in Ni30Pt70 the resistivity can be analysed in terms of two main contributions: (i) a term of 4 K residual resistivity associated with the chemical disorder, and its variation with T, which is separately measured using a specific device; and (ii) a phonon-like term, proportional to T. In Co30Pt70, a further term associated with the spin-disorder scattering at present. In the paramagnetic range, this term decreases with T as the chemical disorder increases, the decrease being especially large at the order-disorder (L12-A1) transition. Such behaviour is attributed to the existence of short-range magnetic order in the paramagnetic state of Co30Pt70, which would be enhanced by the increase of the chemical disorder, i.e. by the increase of the Co-Co coordination, thus reducing the spin-disorder contribution to the resistivity. All the data are in very good agreement with a previous comparative study of equi-atomic NiPt and CoPt phases, which led to a similar conclusion.