The electrical resistivity, thermal properties, pressure effect on the Néel
temperature and compressibility of Mn3+xRh1−x (x = 0.0, 0.12,
0.20 and 0.32) alloys have been investigated in order to discuss the magnetovolume effects
in both ordered and disordered states. The electronic specific heat coefficient γexp of the
ordered alloy is slightly smaller than that of the disordered one,
qualitatively consistent with the theoretical calculations. A negative
magnetovolume effect is observed below the Néel temperature
in both the ordered and disordered alloys. Furthermore, the magnetic
contribution to the thermal expansion is significant even in the
paramagnetic region. That is, the thermal expansion coefficient α in
the paramagnetic region shows a large value of about 30 × 10−6 K−1,
because of a significant contribution from spin fluctuations. For the Mn3Rh
ordered alloy, the pressure shift of the Néel temperature, dTN/dP, is estimated to be about
7.0 K GPa−1.
The temperature dependence of α exhibits a pronounced
positive peak at TN
in accordance with the positive pressure dependence of
A large compressibility of 1.4 × 10−2 GPa−1
has been obtained from the change in the lattice constant under pressure.