As-quenched icosahedral Al55Si7Cu25.5Fe12.5,
its 1/1
approximant of the same composition, and icosahedral
alloys have been studied using x-ray diffraction, scanning transmission electron
microscopy and the high-angle annular dark field technique, zero-field and in-field
Mössbauer spectroscopy, and electrical resistivity. The crystal structure of the
approximant Al55Si7Cu25.5Fe12.5
has been refined with the Rietveld method and shown to be compatible
with the measured high-angle annular dark field images. The distribution
of the principal component of the electric field gradient tensor has a bimodal
character with a dominant negative sign in the icosahedral Al–Cu–Fe system.
The local order of the Fe structural environment is compared in icosahedral
Al55Si7Cu25.5Fe12.5, its
1/1 approximant,
and icosahedral Al62.5Cu24.5Fe13.
The average quadrupole splitting decreases with temperature as
for all alloys studied, and its value is significantly larger for the icosahedral alloys. The
vibrations of the Fe atoms in the alloys studied are well described by a Debye model, with
characteristic Mössbauer temperatures of 468(25), 487(19), and 455(6) K for icosahedral
Al55Si7Cu25.5Fe12.5, its
1/1 approximant,
and icosahedral Al62.5Cu24.5Fe13,
respectively. The electrical resistivity is discussed in terms of quantum interference effects
and structural disorder.