Electrical and magnetic properties of four series of manganates
(Ln = La,
Nd, Gd and Y) have been studied in the electron-doped regime (x = 0.02 – 0.25)
in order to investigate the various inter-dependent phenomena such as
ferromagnetism, phase separation and charge ordering. The general behaviour of
all four series of manganates is similar, with some of the properties showing a
dependence on the average radius of the A-site cations, ⟨rA ⟩ and cation
size disorder. Thus, all the compositions show an increase in magnetization at 100–120 K
(TM) for
x < xmax,
the magnetization increasing with increasing
x. The value
of xmax
increases with decreasing ⟨rA ⟩,
probably due to the increased phase separation induced by site disorder.
This is also reflected in the larger width of the hysteresis loops at
T < TM for small x or ⟨rA ⟩.
In this regime, the electrical resistivity decreases with increasing
x, but remains low and
nearly constant, T > TM.
The percolative nature of the conduction mechanism at
T < TM
is substantiated by the fit of the conductivity data to
the scaling law, σ ∝ |xc − x|p, where
p is in the 2–4 range.
When x > xmax,
the materials become antiferromagnetic (AFM) and charge-ordered at a temperature
accompanied by a marked increase in resistivity. The value of
increases with increasing ⟨rA ⟩ and
x (up to
x = 0.3). Thus,
all four series of manganates are characterized by a phase-separated regime between
x = 0.02
and 0.1–0.15 and an AFM charge-ordered regime at x > 0.1– 0.15.