Scanning electron microscopy, Raman scattering, UV–VIS absorption
spectroscopy and low temperature photoluminescence (PL) were used
to examine small particles produced by the chemical reaction between
and KI in different liquid media: water, methanol, ethanol and acetonitrile.
By stoichiometric changes in the synthesis reaction, platelets of
PbI2 and rods
probably of KPbI3
are produced. Regardless of shape and size, these particles exhibit almost the same PL,
which consists of two intense bands centred around the 2.5 (E band) and 2.0 eV (G band), in
turn similar to that of a crystalline slide or a micrometric powder, both prepared from a
single-crystal grown from the melt. Crystalline
platelets exhibit an E band with two components, at 2.49
(EF band) and
2.47 eV (ET
band), originating in the recombination of the free and trapped excitons produced
by inter-band irradiation. A close relation between the enhancement of the
and G band reveals that they are linked to the surface defects. For the
rod-like particles, the PL spectrum is somewhat similar to that of a
ion introduced into an alkaline halide lattice, which as for any
ns2 ion displays two
emission bands, AT
and AX, whose correspondents are E and G bands.