As a novel function of ferromagnet (FM)/spacer/FM junctions, we theoretically investigate
a multiple-valued (or multi-level) cell property which is in principle realized by sensing
conductances of four states recorded with magnetization configurations of two FMs: (up,
up), (up, down), (down, up), and (down, down). In order to sense all the states, four-valued
conductances corresponding to the respective states are necessary. We previously proposed
that four-valued conductances are obtained in FM1/spin-polarized spacer (SPS)/FM2
junctions, where FM1 and FM2 have different spin polarizations, and the spacer depends
on spin (Kokado and Harigaya 2003 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 8797). In this paper, an ideal
SPS is considered as a single-wall armchair carbon nanotube encapsulating magnetic
atoms, where the nanotube shows on-resonance or off-resonance at the Fermi level
according to its length. The magnitude of the obtained four-valued conductances has an
opposite order between the on-resonant nanotube and the off-resonant one, and this
property can be understood by considering electronic states of the nanotube.
Also, the magnetoresistance ratio between (up, up) and (down, down) can be
larger than the conventional one between parallel and anti-parallel configurations.