Dilute nitrides have emerged from conventional III–V semiconductors such as
GaAs or InP by the insertion of nitrogen into the group V sub-lattice, which has a
profound influence on the electronic properties of these materials and allows widely
extended band structure engineering. This is expected to lead to novel devices, e.g. for
optical data transmission, solar cells, biophotonics or gas sensing, some of which are
already making their way into the market. Unlike in all other cases, where a reduction in
bandgap energy is achieved by inserting an element that increases the lattice constant, N
accomplishes this and at the same time reduces the lattice constant. Thus smaller bandgaps
can be achieved and the unusual role of N in the lattice also allows a tailoring of band
alignments. Both of these effects have opened up a new dimension of bandgap
engineering and the rapid progress in the field led to the demonstration of high quality
1300 nm lasers on GaAs and eventually to the realization of the first VCSELs that can
be mass produced at low cost and emit at 1300 nm. This in turn will allow extending
inexpensive data transmission through optical fibers from the present range of about
300 m to a distance of 10 to 20 km and at the same time increasing the data rate by about
a factor of four. Thus it will enable metro-area data links, which are presently
considered to be the bottleneck for large-scale optical communications. Furthermore,
the fact that GaNP and related alloys can be grown lattice-matched on Si substrates has
offered intriguing new possibilities of OEIC and integration of efficient III–V
optoelectronic devices with the mainstream microelectronics based on Si.
Despite their promising applications and the first encouraging experimental
results, very little is known about the physical properties of such alloys. For instance the
difficulty of incorporating nitrogen into GaInAs while maintaining good optical quality
has provoked much work to establish an understanding of the underlying factors
determining the optical quality of GaInNAs, such as composition, growth and annealing
conditions. We are still far from establishing an understanding of the band structure and
its dependence on composition. Fundamental electronic interactions such as electron–electron and electron–phonon scattering, dependence of effective mass on composition,
strain and orientation, quantum confinement effects, effects of localized nitrogen states
on high field transport and on galvanometric properties, and mechanisms for light
emission in these materials, are yet to be fully understood. Nature and formation
mechanisms of grown-in and processing-induced defects that are important for
material quality and device performance are still unknown. Such knowledge is
required in order to design strategies to efficiently control and eliminate harmful
defects. For many potential applications (such as solar cells, HBTs) it is essential to get
more information on the transport properties of dilute nitride materials. The mobility of
minority carriers is known to be low in GaInNAs and related material. The
experimental values are far from reaching the theoretical ones, due to defects and
impurities introduced in the material during the growth. The role of the material
inhomogeneities on the lateral carrier transport also needs further investigation.
From the device's point of view most attention to date has been focused on the
GaInNAs/GaAs system, mainly because of its potential for optoelectronic devices
covering the 1.3–1.55 µm data and telecommunications wavelength bands. As is
now widely appreciated, these GaAs-compatible structures allow monolithic
integration of AlGaAs-based distributed Bragg reflector mirrors (DBRs) for vertical
cavity surface-emitting lasers with low temperature sensitivity and compatibility with
AlOx-based confinement techniques. In terms of conventional edge-emitting lasers
(EELs), the next step is to extend the wavelength range for cw room-temperature
operation, as well as improving the spectral purity, modulation speed and peak power
output. Many applications in medicine, environmental sensing and communications
can be addressed with the achievement of significant improvements in these
parameters. Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are also important devices of
interest, since it is widely predicted that the market for SOAs in photonic access
networks will increase dramatically in the next few years. In addition to EELs and
SOAs, vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), vertical external cavity
surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs), vertical cavity semiconductor optical
amplifiers (VCSOAs), and semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs)
are of increasing importance.
The VECSELs can potentially incorporate saturable absorbers for very high
repetition rate (~100 GHz) pulsed and potentially MEMS-tuneable sources. VECSEL
devices in the 2–3 µm range for applications in e.g. free-space optical (FSO)
communications, are possible using InAsN/InGaAs/InP with AlGaAs metamorphic
mirror growth. Semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror structures (SESAMs) have
demonstrated widespread applicability for self-starting passive mode locking of
(diode-pumped) solid-state lasers, to produce high-performance picosecond and
femtosecond laser sources for scientific, instrumentation and industrial use. Very
recently, these devices have also shown applicability for ultra short pulse generation
at >GHz repetition rates, both in DPSS lasers and surface-emitting semiconductor
lasers. These devices are undoped monolithic DBR structures incorporating one or
more quantum wells for saturable absorption. Low-loss and high-damage threshold
requirements demand pseudomorphic growth, and have, until very recently,
essentially limited these devices to the 800–1100 nm range, but extension beyond
this range is urgently required by a host of mode locking applications. In addition to
these devices modulators and photodiodes, including quantum well infrared
photodetectors (QWIPs) and resonant cavity-enhanced photodiodes (RCEPDs) based
on dilute nitrides need to be investigated extensively.
To date, most theoretical attention has been focused on understanding the
band structure of the GaInAsN/GaAs system and on evaluating gain spectra and
threshold conditions for 1.3 µm lasers. However, as our understanding of band
structure and the effects of strain, defects, etc in dilute nitrides improves we can
calculate the electrical and optical properties, including radiative and non-radiative
recombination for the materials and structures of interest. The spontaneous and
stimulated emission rates have already been calculated for GaInNAs at 1.3 µm by
many authors, but extension to other dilute nitrides and other wavelength ranges still
represents a major challenge. Many-body effects, including exchange-correlation
effects, are essential for accurate models of gain spectra in lasers and optical
amplifiers. The differential gain is a key parameter for laser modulation and remains
an important subject of study as new materials and structures are explored. Similarly
the differential refractive index and linewidth enhancement factor have strong
influences on laser spectrum (chirp, linewidth), dynamics and noise, and these must
also be studied theoretically. As regards to non-radiative recombination, in addition to
recombination through defects, the Auger effect is of especial significance for
wavelengths beyond 1 µm and is a worthy subject for theoretical study. The
converse effect, impact ionization, is of key importance for avalanche photodiodes
(APDs) and has yet to be evaluated for the dilute nitride materials. Inter-valence band
absorption (IVBA) is of significance, as a possible cause of temperature sensitivity in
lasers and this must be investigated theoretically in the dilute nitrides. Third-order
non-linear optical coefficients should be calculated in order to assess the scope for
all-optical signal processing components within the dilute nitrides. Electro-absorption
and electro-refractive effects—Franz-Keldysh (FK) and quantum-confined Stark
effect (QCSE) need to be studied theoretically in view of their importance for optical
The aim of this special issue is to review the recent progress in theory,
growth, characterization and device applications of dilute nitrides, and to collate what
is known and what is not known in the field and address important fundamental physical
properties and key material and device issues. The issue brings together a wide
selection of papers from over 27 prominent research groups that have made key
contributions to the field in the areas of research including growth, characterization
and physical properties, devices and device integration, and theory and modelling.
The editor is very grateful to all the invited authors for their contribution to this
issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
I am grateful to Professors M J Adams, X Marie and Dr H Riechert for their
help and contributions to the preparation of the editorial.