The crystal structure of barium–germanium clathrate
was studied using neutron powder diffraction in the temperature
range 20–300 K. The compound was found to be cubic (space
group P4132) in the entire temperature range. However, the fully ordered model of the crystal structure
(no split sites) is marginal at room temperature, and clearly fails at low temperature. A
much better description of the crystal structure below 250 K is given in terms of two split
Ba sites, with random occupancies, for two out of three types of cages present in the
structure. The Ba atoms were found to interact strongly with the Ge host. The separation
of the split Ba sites grows with decreasing temperature, with a sudden increase on cooling
through the 200–250 K temperature range, accompanied by an expansion of the entire
crystal structure. The 'locking-in' of Ba atoms into split sites was originally suggested by
Paschen et al (2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 134435) as a plausible scenario behind anomalies in the
transport and magnetic properties. Our data prompt us to favour a simple model for this
transition, based on temperature-induced de-trapping of Ba from a deep double-well
potential. The most significant of the transport anomalies, that is, the drop in electrical
conductivity on cooling, can be easily explained within this model through the enhanced
structural disorder, which would affect the relaxation time for all portions of the Fermi
surface. We suggest that the other anomalies (increase in the absolute value of
the negative Seebeck coefficient, decrease in the magnetic susceptibility) can be
explained within the framework of the one-electron semi-classical model, without any
need to invoke exotic bi-polaron-driven charge carrier interaction mechanisms.