Novel representatives REPt3Si
(RE = La, Pr, Nd,
Sm and Gd) of the CePt3B
type have been synthesized and characterized by means of Rietveld x-ray
powder diffraction. Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility, isothermal
magnetization, temperature dependent specific heat as well as temperature and
field dependent resistivity were employed to derive basic information on the
low temperature behaviour. Long range antiferromagnetic order from 2.2 K
(CePt3Si) to 15.1 K
(GdPt3Si) was
observed. PrPt3Si, however, is non-magnetic, at least down to 400 mK, as a consequence
of crystalline electric field splitting of the non-Kramers ion
in tetragonal symmetry. Whilst the ordering temperature of
appears to be almost unaffected in external fields up to 12 T, magnetic order in
GdPt3Si, although twice as high as for the Sm homologue, is easily suppressed by external magnetic
fields due to the absence of anisotropy.