The year 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein's celebrated paper on Brownian motion, one of his most influential works, which provided further strong evidence for the atomistic hypothesis of matter and became a keystone of a fully probabilistic formulation of statistical mechanics.
Honouring this anniversary, we have edited this special issue on diffusion in liquids,
polymers, biophysics and chemical dynamics. In this issue a total of 23 experimental
and/or theoretical papers have been contributed from leading scientists, and new developments
and perspectives in the field are discussed.
The contributed papers shed light on different facets of this ubiquitous phenomenon and cover a broad range of topics: surface- and
bulk-mediated surface diffusion, diffusion-assisted selection of particles, diffusion-controlled spreading of monolayers and droplets, diffusion in polymer films, supercooled liquids, porous media and other confined geometries to name but a few.
We wish to thank all the contributing authors to this special issue.