The effect of substituting Ti for Mn in the ferrimagnetic perovskite
CaCu3Mn4O12 has been studied
in the series CaCu3Mn4−xTixO12
(x = 0.3,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0). These
materials have been prepared in polycrystalline form under moderate pressure conditions of 2 GPa and
1000 °C in the
presence of KClO4
as an oxidizing agent. The crystal structure is cubic, space group
(No. 204); the unit cell parameters vary linearly from
a = 7.2361(4) Å (x = 0.3)
to a = 7.3489(5) Å (x = 3.0) at room temperature (RT). A neutron powder diffraction study
has been performed for a selected sample of nominal composition
CaCu3Mn3TiO12. In
the ABO3
perovskite superstructure, the A positions are occupied by
and (Cu2.52+Mn0.53+), ordered in a 1:3 arrangement, giving rise to the body-centring of the unit cell. At
the B positions, Mn and Ti are randomly distributed over the octahedral sites;
(Mn,Ti)O6 octahedra are
considerably tilted by 19°, due to the relatively small size of the A-type cations. The Curie temperatures decrease from 331 K
(x = 0.3) to
310 K (x = 3.0). The saturation magnetization at 5 K is strongly reduced upon Ti introduction, from
Ms = 10.4 μB fu−1
(x = 0.3)
to 1.0 μB fu−1
(x = 3.0).
All the samples exhibit negative magnetoresistance (MR), reaching a maximum value of 41% for the
x = 0.5 sample at 5 K for
H = 9 T; the MR(9 T) at RT
is as high as 7% for x = 0.5, and shows an appreciable temperature stability.