Optical absorption, excitation and emission spectra have been
measured for double indium tungstate crystals with the formula
(x = 0.5–2%, MI = Li, Na, K and Rb) at temperatures ranging from 5 to 300 K. The broadband
4T2–4A2 luminescence from
low-crystal-field Cr3+
sites was observed in all the crystals that were studied. The local structure of the
surroundings is discussed in terms of the spectroscopic results, and the crystal field parameters,
B and
C of
the Cr3+
ion are derived for all the materials. The Huang–Rhys parameters,
S, and breathing phonons,
, are reported. The reported data indicate a possible phase transition at about 150 K for the trigonal
chromium (III) doped crystals. The possible application of these crystals as laser systems is