The authors study a one-dimensional extended Hubbard-Peierls model in the infinite intracell Coulomb repulsion limit, which is equivalent to a system of spinless electrons. They consider first- and second-neighbor Coulomb repulsion, and two types of phonon are coupled to the electronic system: intramolecular and longitudinal, intercell vibrations. The special case of half an electron per cell is considered. The model is solved in the Hartree-Fock approximation by assuming a possible symmetry break of period two. The solution is obtained for all temperatures. They construct a phase diagram with respect to temperature and the system parameters. Three types of low temperature ordered phase appear: bond ordered waves (BOW), charge ordered waves (COW) and an intermediate phase, across which the transition BOW to COW is continuous. This phase corresponds to a ferroelectric state (F). As temperature is increased from zero, the system undergoes different phase transitions, following a particular sequence, according to its characteristic parameters. At high temperatures the system stabilises in a homogeneous (disordered) phase (H). For some parameters the sequence BOW to F to COW to H is possible. The last result is very striking, since it implies that, on increasing temperature, the symmetry of the system can decrease, as is the case for the BOW to F transition, where the inversion symmetry is lost. This special BOW to F phase transition also occurs in the non-interacting limit, where the results are exact.