An ideal superparaelectric is treated as an ensemble of independent, coherently polarizing regions, of linear dimension lambda , each of which behaves as a 'Devonshire ferroelectric', with transition temperature T0, and local polarization, Ps approximately (T-T0)12/. For sufficiently small lambda , the direction of the local polarization vector can fluctuate with thermal energies, giving rise to a static permittivity, epsilon s, which follows a modified Curie law: Es approximately (T-T0) lambda 3/T. In addition, the peak in permittivity at T0 is suppressed due to spatially uniform thermal fluctuations in the magnitude of the local polarization. The activation energy for the directional fluctuations increases with decreasing temperature: Ea approximately (T-T0)2 lambda 3, giving rise to Debye-type relaxation and peaks in the real and imaginary permittivity around Tm, where T0-Tm increases with decreasing lambda . For a fictitious superparaelectric, based on Pb(Zr0.7Ti0.3)O3, the effects described above become important for lambda <or=g 15 nm. Relaxor-like frequency dependence of the imaginary part of the permittivity, epsilon '', is only observed when distributions of lambda , width Delta lambda , are introduced. The best qualitative match to typical relaxor behaviour is seen when both lambda and Delta lambda diverge at some non-zero temperature. The introduction of dipolar coupling, in the form of a mean field, produces a transition to a macroscopic ferroelectric state in the static properties, at a temperature which increases with increasing coupling strength. For sufficiently strong coupling, a spontaneous transition may be apparent in observable time scales; otherwise the system remains glassy.