The absolute chirality of potassium dithionate,
, trigonal, space group P321, a = 9.782(1) Å, c = 6.298(2) Å,
, Z = 3, R = 0.024, wR = 0.031 for 2586 unique observed reflections, has been determined at room temperature through a combination of single-crystal x-ray diffraction, including anomalous scattering, and optical study. Using a classical point dipole - dipole theory, good agreement has been obtained between the calculated and observed optical activity and refractive indices at room temperature
along [001],
at a wavelength of 632.8 nm). The polarizabilities of the different atoms have also been determined by means of this theory. It has been found that in order to fit the optical data, it is necessary that the oxygen atoms must show quite large anisotropic polarizabilities. The structural features responsible for the optical rotation have been identified. In this way, a visual correlation between the sign of the optical activity and the arrangement of atoms in the crystal structure has been established.