1999 February 17-18 Sensor and Transducer Conference at
mtec '99, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK Details: Robert Bogue, mtec Conference
Chairman, Tamar House, Tuckermarsh, Bere Alston, Devon PL20 7HB, UK. Telephone: +44 1822 840
434, fax: +44 1822 841 300 March 30 March-1 April Symposium on Design, Test and
Microfabrication of MEMS/MOEMS, Paris, France Details: B Courtois, telephone: +33 4 7657
4615, fax: +33 4 7647 3814, e-mail: Bernard.Courtois@imag.fr April 13-15 International
Workshop on Optical Measurements '99, Liverpool, UK Details: Telephone: +44 151 231 3585,
fax: +44 151 709 5057, e-mail: ems@livjm.ac.uk, WWW:
http://www.ceorg.livjm.ac.uk/opticalmeas99/ May 17-21 3rd CCM Conference on Pressure
Metrology from Ultra High Vacuum to Very High Pressures (10-7 Pa to 109 Pa), Torino, Italy
Details: M Bergoglio, Istituto di Metrologia `G Colonnetti', Strada delle Cacce 73, 10135
Torino, Italy. E-mail: bergoglio@imc.to.cnr.it 18-20 Sensor '99 9th International Fair and
Congress for Sensors, Transducers and Systems, Nürnberg, Germany Details: ACS Organizations
GmbH, PO Box 23 52, D-31506 Wunstorf, Germany. Telephone: +49 5033 2015, fax: +49 5033 1056,
e-mail: acs@sensor99.de, WWW: http://www.sensor99.de 20-22 ODIMAP II 2nd Topical Meeting on
Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications, Pavia, Italy Details:
AEI-Ufficio Centrale, P.le R. Morandi 2, 20121 Milano, Italy. Telephone: +39 02 777
90205/218, fax: +39 02 798817, e-mail: conferencesaei@aei.it, WWW:
http://ipvsm8.unipv.it/leos or http://www.aei.it/odimap2.html 31 May-4 June EUSPEN 1st
Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Bremen,
Germany Details: Professor E Brinksmeier, Universität Bremen FB4/FG06, Badgasteiner Straße
1, D-28359 Bremen. Telephone: +49 421 218 7481, fax: +49 421 218 4455, e-mail:
euspen@iwt.uni-bremen.de June 7-10 Transducers '99 10th International Conference on Solid
State Sensors and Actuators, Sendai, Japan Details: J Etizen, telephone: +81 3 3299 1371,
fax: +81 3 3299 1361, e-mail: tr99@twics.com, WWW: http://www.com.cas.uec.ac.jp/trans99.html
13-18 IMEKO XV World Congress, Osaka, Japan Details: c/o The Society of Instrument and
Control Engineers, 35-28-303, 1-Chome Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113. Telephone: +81 3 3814
4121, fax: +81 3 3814 4699, e-mail: mnami@sice.or.jp 21-25 Frontiers and Science and
Measurement, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK Details: Jane Tsakalou, telephone:
+44 181 943 6400, fax: +44 181 943 6735, e-mail: jane.tsakalou@npl.co.uk, WWW:
http://www.npl.co.uk September 12-15 1st International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear
Flow Phenomena, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Details: N Kasagi, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113 8656, Japan. Telephone: +81 3 3812 2111 ext.
6417, fax: +81 3 5800 6999, e-mail: kasagi@thtlab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp, WWW:
http://tsfp.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp 12-15 EUROSENSORS XIII, The Hague, The Netherlands Details: R F
Wolffenbuttel, telephone: +31 15 278 6287, fax: +31 15 278, e-mail:
eurosensors@ei.et.tudelft.nl 16-18 September 3rd International Workshop on Particle Image
Velocimetry, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA Details: Professor C D Meinhart,
Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Department, University of California-Santa Barbara,
CA 93106, USA. Telephone: +1 217 333 3752, fax: 217 244 5707, e-mail:
piv99@engineering.ucsb.edu, WWW: http://www.engineering.ucsb.edu/~piv99