For the second time a special issue of Nanotechnology is formed as a collection of selected papers that were presented at the annual International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology ( The Symposia were chaired by two Nobel Prize winners, Professor Zh Alferov and Professor L Esaki, and are traditionally organized by the Ioffe Institute in Repino---a suburb of St Petersburg.
The symposia are essential events for the international community of physicists working in this very important area which covers the newest achievements in physics, technology and applications of solid state nanostructures. The constantly increasing number of papers submitted to the symposium could be considered as evidence of the intense growth and development in this area. It should be stressed that the volume of submissions takes
place against the background of a growth in the number of conferences,
symposia and workshops devoted to different aspects of the problem. The
10th International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology will
be held in St Petersburg, Russia, 17--21 June 2002.
A number of papers presented at the 3rd Russian Workshop on Nanophotonics are also included in this special issue. The annual workshop was organized in 2000 by the Institute for Physics of Microstructures of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia (
as a satellite conference of the Nanostructure Symposium. It is focused on Si-based optoelectronics, on the physics of stimulated emission of the mid- and far-IR range radiation and on nonlinear optics in the semiconductor nanostructures. The next workshop on Nanophotonics will be held next year on 11--14 March 2002.
R SurisGuest EditorInternational Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology
Z Krasil'nikGuest Editor3rd Russian Workshop on Nanophotonics