Polystyrene nanofibres were electrospun with the inclusion of cationic surfactants,
dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) or tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC), in
the polymer solution. A small amount of cationic surfactant effectively stopped the
formation of beaded fibres during the electrospinning. The cationic surfactants were also
found to improve the solution conductivity, but had no effect on the viscosity.
Only DTAB had an effect on the surface tension of the polymer solution, the
surface tension decreasing slightly with an increase in the concentration of DTAB.
The formation of beaded fibres was attributed to an insufficient stretch of the filaments
during the whipping of the jet, due to a low charge density. Adding the cationic surfactants
improved the net charge density that enhanced the whipping instability. The jet was
stretched under stronger charge repulsion and at a higher speed, resulting in an exhaustion
of the bead structure. In addition, a polymer/surfactant interaction was found in
the polystyrene–DTAB solution system, while this interaction was not found in
the polystyrene–TBAC system. The polymer/surfactant interaction led to the
formation of thinner fibres than those formed in the absence of the interaction.
The effects of a non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-405, on the electrospun fibres were also
studied. The addition of Triton X-405 did not eliminate the fibre beads, but reduced the
bead numbers and changed the morphology. Triton X-405 slightly improved the solution
conductivity, and had a minor effect on the surface tension, but no effect on the