The oxidation of elemental mercury (Hg0) by dielectric barrier discharge reactors was studied at room temperature, where concentric cylinder discharge reactor (CCDR) and surface discharge plasma reactor (SDPR) were employed. The parameters (e.g. Hg0 oxidation efficiency, energy constant, energy yield, energy consumption, and O3 concentration) were discussed. From comparison of the two reactors, higher Hg0 oxidation efficiency and energy constant in the SDPR system were obtained by using lower specific energy density. At the same applied voltage, energy yield in the SDPR system was larger than that in the CCDR system, and energy consumption in the SDPR system was much less. Additionally, more O3 was generated in the SDPR system. The experimental results showed that 98% of Hg0 oxidation efficiency, 0.6 J·L−1 of energy constant, 13.7 μg·kJ−1 of energy yield, 15.1 eV·molecule−1 of energy consumption, and 12.7 μg·J−1 of O3 concentration were achieved in the SDPR system. The study reveals an alternative and economical technology for Hg0 oxidation in the coal-fired flue gas.