In this paper, we propose a new approach to implementing boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The basic idea is to decompose the distribution function at the boundary node into its equilibrium and non-equilibrium parts and then to approximate the non-equilibrium part with a first-order extrapolation of the non-equilibrium part of the distribution at the neighbouring fluid node. Schemes for velocity and pressure boundary conditions are constructed based on this method. The resulting schemes are of second-order accuracy. Numerical tests show that the numerical solutions of the LBM together with the present boundary schemes are in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions. Second-order convergence is also verified from the results. It is also found that the numerical stability of the present schemes is much better than that of the original extrapolation schemes proposed by Chen et al. (1996 Phys. Fluids 8 2527).
ISSN: 1741-4199
Guo Zhao-Li et al 2002 Chinese Phys. 11 366
Mao Bo et al 2004 Chinese Phys. 13 1226
We have studied the basic characteristics of a radio frequency superconducting quantum interference device (rf SQUID) involving two Josephson junctions connected in series, the case for the widely used grain boundary junction (GBJ) rf SQUID. It is found that the SQUID properties are determined mainly by the weaker junction when the critical current of the weaker junction is much lower than that of the other junction. Otherwise, the effect of the other junction is not negligible. We also find that only when the hysteresis parameter β is less than 1−α, where α is the critical current ratio of the two junctions, will the SQUID operate in the nonhysteretic mode.
Qiao Yan-Bin et al 2007 Chinese Phys. 16 3809
The anisotropic properties of 1T- and 2H-TaS2 are investigated by the density functional theory within the framework of full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The band structures of 1T- and 2H-TaS2 exhibit anisotropic properties and the calculated electronic specific-heat coefficient γ of 2H-TaS2 accords well with the existing experimental value. The anisotropic frequency-dependent dielectric functions including the effect of the Drude term are analysed, where the εxx(ω) spectra corresponding to the electric field E perpendicular to the z axis show excellent agreement with the measured results except for the ε1xx(ω) of 1T-TaS2 below the energy level of 2.6 eV which is due to the lack of the enough CDW information for reference in our calculation. Furthermore, based on the values of optical effective mass ratio P of 1T and 2H phases it is found that the anisotropy in 2H-TaS2 is stronger than that in 1T-TaS2.
Zhang Jian-Min et al 2004 Chinese Phys. 13 1082
The surface energies for 38 surfaces of fcc metals Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pd, Pt, Al, Pb, Rh and Ir have been calculated by using the modified embedded-atom method. The results show that, for Cu, Ag, Ni, Al, Pb and Ir, the average values of the surface energies are very close to the polycrystalline experimental data. For all fcc metals, as predicted, the close-packed (111) surface has the lowest surface energy. The surface energies for the other surfaces increase linearly with increasing angle between the surfaces (hkl) and (111). This can be used to estimate the relative values of the surface energy.
Deng Fu-Guo et al 2007 Chinese Phys. 16 3553
In this paper a scheme for quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) network is proposed with a sequence of polarized single photons. The single photons are prepared originally in the same state |0〉 by the servers on the network, which will reduce the difficulty for the legitimate users to check eavesdropping largely. The users code the information on the single photons with two unitary operations which do not change their measuring bases. Some decoy photons, which are produced by operating the sample photons with a Hadamard, are used for preventing a potentially dishonest server from eavesdropping the quantum lines freely. This scheme is an economical one as it is the easiest way for QSDC network communication securely.
Wu Ya-Bo et al 2007 Chinese Phys. 16 3560
By introducing the double complex scalar field, this paper constructs the double Lagrangian with the potential V(Φ(J), Φ*(J)) = V(|Φ(J)|), which not only can describe the evolution of quintom Universe, but also can naturally give the spintessence and hessence Universe. Furthermore, the U(1, J) symmetry of the double complex Lagrangian is verified, and the total conserved charge within the physical volume is derived by means of the Noëther theorem. Moreover, it can point out that the 'imaginary motion' of the angular parameter in Ref.[14], in fact, is only a real phase displacement in our model.
Guan Jian-Yue et al 2007 Chinese Phys. 16 3566
We investigate an evolutionary snowdrift game on a square N = L × L lattice with periodic boundary conditions, where a population of n0 (n0 ≤ N) players located on the sites of this lattice can either cooperate with or defect from their nearest neighbours. After each generation, every player moves with a certain probability p to one of the player's nearest empty sites. It is shown that, when p = 0, the cooperative behaviour can be enhanced in disordered structures. When p > 0, the effect of mobility on cooperation remarkably depends on the payoff parameter r and the density of individuals ρ (ρ = n0/N). Compared with the results of p = 0, for small r, the persistence of cooperation is enhanced at not too small values of ρ; whereas for large r, the introduction of mobility inhibits the emergence of cooperation at any ρ < 1; for the intermediate value of r, the cooperative behaviour is sometimes enhanced and sometimes inhibited, depending on the values of p and ρ. In particular, the cooperator density can reach its maximum when the values of p and ρ reach their respective optimal values. In addition, two absorbing states of all cooperators and all defectors can emerge respectively for small and large r in the case of p > 0.
Zhao Jing et al 2007 Chinese Phys. 16 3571
Complex networks have been applied to model numerous interactive nonlinear systems in the real world. Knowledge about network topology is crucial to an understanding of the function, performance and evolution of complex systems. In the last few years, many network metrics and models have been proposed to investigate the network topology, dynamics and evolution. Since these network metrics and models are derived from a wide range of studies, a systematic study is required to investigate the correlations among them. The present paper explores the effect of degree correlation on the other network metrics through studying an ensemble of graphs where the degree sequence (set of degrees) is fixed. We show that to some extent, the characteristic path length, clustering coefficient, modular extent and robustness of networks are directly influenced by the degree correlation.
Jia Yi-Feng et al 2007 Chinese Phys. 16 3581
In this paper, the Faddeev–Jackiw approach is improved by the Wu elimination method, so a great many complicated computations in solving constraints for the finite-dimensional polynomial-type constrained dynamics can be executed easily by using computers. Moreover, based on the Faddeev–Jackiw approach, a new algorithm of solving the constrained dynamics is presented. The new algorithm is simpler and stricter than the Faddeev–Jackiw approach. Using the new algorithm, the second Cawley counterexample is solved.